Schematic Questionnaire - Garrett Residence - 6308 Baynton Street
This page contains multiple forms. Each is devoted to a different idea or set of design questions. Each form must be submitted separately for the system to record it. It is important that you read and answer the questions in the order that they are shown, and hit the submit button at the end of each section. If you change your mind, you can resubmit any given section as many times as you would like. After hitting submit, the page will refresh, and you can move on to the next section.
At times, some of the questions may seem a little silly - please take your time with them and really consider your answers. All of the information you provide in these forms will be used in one way or another to improve results throughout your project.
Part 1 - Descriptive Design
Part 2 - Functional Design
This section will consider the layouts previously generated and seek to understand what about these spaces is functioning as intended. The gallery below was prepared to focus in on the walkable spaces within each ‘room.’ As you look at them, please keep in mind the ways you may populate this space. We’d like to understand these spaces according to what is and is not working for you. There’s no need to present alternatives - we will address changes in the form of schematic drawings wherever needed.
A PDF version of these drawings can be downloaded here.